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♠ Creeks
red-coloured liquid
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♠ Vampire
Name: David ECK School: Republic Polytechnic; Year 2(going on year 3 ); IG: Red Cross IG ,
Loves: Vampire knight anime; Shopping; facebook game especially pet society; Listen to songs; hang out with friends [:

♠ Thirst for
your blood
I wana learn how to play guitar; want to buy guitar; PSP; new handphone(Iphone); know god more; lastly.... I think I have been deprived of a lot of things hehe

♠ Splash
when my fangs sinks

Breathe Slow - Alesha Dixon - ALESHA DIXON

♠ Sounds
who is there?

ShoutMix chat widget

♠ Beasts
other vampires
*x] `WindeZ*
*x] `Jason*
*x] `Nehemiah*
*x] `EmiLy*
*x] `JasLyn*
*x] `Peijun*
*x] `Winnie-jie*
*x] `arc*
*x] `mel sis *
*x] `andrew leader *
*x] `stephan bro=) *
*x] `Jessie *
*x] `Jing Kai*
*x] `RP red cross offical website*
*x] `hui ya =)*
*x] `DFX*
*x] `Zulimah*
*x] `Teresa*
*x] `Cheng Guan*
*x] `Benjamin*
*x] `Flower princess aka hu da la*
*x] `Soh Jia Wei*
*x] `Weiting=)*
*x] `CHAU WEI!*
*x] `Pei Jun (Hope)*
♠ Credits
thank you
x x x
♠ Saturday, November 7, 2009
Kaname Kuran; Yuuki Kuran; Zero Kiryuu

Well, now is UT season, have been studying almost everyday until I am almost in love with studying theories HA HA. Well, highlights of the week is with the 2 sillies of cos! HAHAHA! Well, earlier in the day went to send off female silly! Ahhhhh she will be away for 6 days, gonna missed a good listening ears, her super crappy jokes and braces HAHAHA! Finally have a chance to see her sister and mum and sadly, she don't look like anyone of them, HAHAHA! Ok random. Another thing is I wana apologise to male silly cos he has to wait for almost an hour for me to reach there and he has to ' do nothing' in this period of time. Also, had a fun time talking to male silly, get to understand him better as a person and it is indeed interesting to know people of his personality type. Still waiting for him to show his bike helmet to me leh* wink wink* HAHAH!
Also, we planned a b day celebration for him at Jpot earlier this week. Really wana thank god that we can come together to celebrate this sacred moment for him as the lord choose this date for him to be given birth. HAHAHA.... female silly was liked telling me before surprising him that she actually brought male silly on a recce to the boutique that she bought his gift, however, happened that he mentioned he dun like that particular shirt that she bought, so she quite demoralised. HAHAHA!Plus male silly so distracting I need various tries then can receive her message. Also, we played the santa claus game and of cos it is designed in a manner to sabo and make male silly do forfeit, in the end become photo taking session. Interesting forfeit... HAHAHAHA!
On the bad side, I realised I have drifted away from my cg people probably I am nt close with them in the first place or I have not spend enough time to really fellowship with them. Especially during unit cg, I really felt weird to be there and I do not know if they are the people that I used to know.Also, having really serious stress and mood swings recently, think have to control my emotions a bit, that I only know through god this is possible.

Thirst for blood
1:27 PM

♠ Friday, April 17, 2009
Kaname Kuran; Yuuki Kuran; Zero Kiryuu

Verse of the day

Christ the Wisdom and Power of God
18For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Thirst for blood
9:24 AM

♠ Thursday, April 16, 2009
Kaname Kuran; Yuuki Kuran; Zero Kiryuu

WOW! Guess that I did not update for v long le yeah.... since march 4 a lot of things happen on me yeah.... lazy to update everything just point forms=)
1)been a official usher in hope church ( and I am v proud of that)
2)v cool b day surprise by huda and gang thanks v much! especially huda buying for me that cutie power ranger cake make me laugh like mad!
3)FYP.... now still discussing about the finalising of questionaire hope can finish everything by 1st week of school =) and people dey cn volunteer for my FYP experiment... interested call 83514924 ( Its about just play 4 laps of motor racing game in a cool environment of E5 block lab)CE points guaranteed plus mac vouncher!
4)my 1st time to pub and is christian pub at singapore flyer wooo! cool environment pics pls refer to fb! ordered a sapphire gin but svc sucks!
5) went to great news singapore and was amazed by how god changed people lives especially a bedridden guy for 6 yrs who can walk again WOW!
6) usher during easter service and a big experience for me never feel such a satisfaction of myself before!
7)lastly, just finished orientation day as game master , leading is fun! and my station is call blind mice go shopping lame name but nice game has lots of laughing while leading teams! Videos go fb see!

HAHAHA! I realised I have been relying fb a lot nowadays but cnt help cos fb is indeed taking over the world!yeah so everything refer to there thanks!=)

A few things that I wana achieved during sch reopen =)
1) FYP breakthrough!
2) Impacting of more people , bring more people to know christ=)
3) Adapt to new class =)

Yeah thats it =) wana walk right with god !!!

and.... x12 and xrep which are taser weapons look cool! wow

Thirst for blood
11:20 AM

♠ Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Kaname Kuran; Yuuki Kuran; Zero Kiryuu

ahaha this is my dunno number what time watching movies during the holidays ... yeah. Actually I supposed to go down to visit nicholas but then plan was cancelled in the end, therefore I went dw to JP to watch suspect X with huda la~ and ben! All I can say is that huda u r v great person! Even enjoying all the way in HK u still rmb to buy gifts for us. This heart of gratitute is really appreciated by us and all yr frens really.
We reached there at 12 and we slack arnd at BK eating student meals n have sharing on huda HK experience and benjamin the soka jap stud retreat ... wow I can say is that I am so happy for them to enjoy their past mth while compared to me ahaha stay firm n healthy in singapore..... got la like blood seminar which is so super funny. Life is boring but god is great! yeah. Then we slack arnd popular and we made a pact that we will teach each other different language when we mastered them, for me is french, benjamin japanese and hua korean. Honestly speaking, french is the most difficult man but dunno why just find the way people speak french is so v gentlemanly! korean is nice too anyway huda will teach me =)

Suspect X is a very nice movie with kinda a lot of mix emotions and ya I noe to describe it MIND GAME! I especially like the twistes where the real body of the ex husband is being mulitated into many parts while those that the police found is actually a homeless person body.... and he was paid to get kill somemore... ahaha what for get paid n u cnt spend it. And also that the process of the professor
Yukawa solving the case.... is so cool! I learnt something out of this movie is that there r still a lot of flaws in the police force nw in regards to solving criminal cases. There old methods such as DNA, fingerprint and lie detector is really nt useful especially to genuises such as Tsutsumi. Everything lies in the mind , and seriously , I dunno what to do to let all these genuises to admit their crimes, maybe , do lesser maths? ahaha.... and human needs to do double thinking before he actually do anything regardless of their IQ level, even people like tsutsumi cn commit crime , why nt u? Do double thinking it is worthwhile before do next action.

And...... ahaha found this v cute hands in action city, have been papapa my face with it cos its v comfortable to papapa my face wif tat AHAHA!

Thirst for blood
9:45 AM

♠ Monday, March 2, 2009
Kaname Kuran; Yuuki Kuran; Zero Kiryuu

Nt feeling guilty nw but then I feel bad after falling to the same sin over n over again... repenting wont helps anymore n I blog this so that it can be a reminder next time if I was tempted to sin

matthew 26:41
'watch and pray so that u will not fall into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the body is weak'.

Really hope that god can guide me through this dark time!

Thirst for blood
7:12 AM

♠ Saturday, February 28, 2009
Kaname Kuran; Yuuki Kuran; Zero Kiryuu

Wow! I have to say that the bloodbank seminar is the most interesting seminar I have ever been! ahaha.... well thats true... given that a lot of funny acting included in it. Yup. So yesterday went with some of the rc members such as huili ane blood chauwei, jeff and emily for this seminar. The 1st part is about the performace of the blood bank for the past yr and all these..... ahaha totally boring.The teabreak is nice with all the food beehoon all these. The 2nd part of the seminar is the funnier part which a specialist from IMH dr jason wee speak abt motivational speaking and he shared a lot of stuff like his birth which is peranakan and th barriers he faced such as no chinese speaking ahaha! And yup of cos PLAYBACK THEATRE! This acting troupe is so damn cute n funny with their acting! Playback theatre is actually some acting troupe who plays back a short play to ackkowledge of the achievements and difficulties everybody has in their life. Jeff has a wonderful time speaking abt our RP life which along the way I keep nodding my head. However, I feel that certain aspects of like u cnt really act out and must really experience which is faith something acting cnt really act out the meaning yeah....

Well some fotos taken there too and those taken after svc! I nv managed to play L4D cos full house ytd in all lan shops!=(
R u my type campaign in 2006 ahahah this figure looks cute!

hahaha guy version eee gayahahaha running from heavy downpour still cn smile
heheh hiding from the rain

Thirst for blood
10:56 PM

♠ Saturday, February 21, 2009
Kaname Kuran; Yuuki Kuran; Zero Kiryuu

Had a wonderful day outside today! Ahaha 1st I meet qizhuang and his friend joseph to head down to katong to play pool. Well, we head down from tampines to katong and it took us a 30 mins to reach there. Wasted a lot of time on bus trip! Well, in actual fact that lavender mrt station got straight bus to katong shopping centre which can saved up so much time ==.Nvm about that , we go and play pool at one of the pool centre in it. The centre is not quite spacious with 8 tables only and no snookling tables and their sticks are wooden and hard to use. Nvm , we played for around 1 hour , with a few 9 ball games and full ball games. Mr qizhuang said the pool centre at JE got 8 ball game, new type of pool? Dun think so... ahaha.... Funny thing is the whole 1 hr we got so many foul in the beginning which we felt so sian about and after that qizhuang keep giving joseph hard time by hitting the white ball at difficult positions away from the holes. And QIZHUANG! U r nt 'amateur' at all! U r so v pro! Though I hit a 3 straight balls into the holes at one time.... ok la I an wei myself I am pro too...
Then the person charged us at 11.80 dollars for that hr!!! oh man! They seriously overcharge us when we r told we will be charged only 6.80 per hr which to us is seriously v ex le. And the worse thing is that the manager said he never even record down the time when I asked him, is that a person should have done when he is doing a business??? No prove how cn he overcharge us... he self mended the ratings??? Nvm we just don't care and just paid the money and get ourselves out of there as we do not want to have conflict with the owner as he has a gangster look. Yup below r a few pics I took at the centre earlier on before going service!

Mister Jave why u r so attention seeking?!?!?!? ahahah .... this is a pool centre mind u u cn just do tat at some wu yue tian concert? ahah

Joseph, a very pro player! and he played pool in a golfer way( he sees the angle he is about to hit by squatting down like a golfer).hehe
Just look at joseph so so so focus when hes playing.
ahaha! funny pic of the day , qizhuang! does the person remind u of someone u hate that when u strike u r like wana break that person into many parts and yr face is full of hatred! ahahaha! yeah... relax man dude!
ahaha me playing pool, trying to place the white solid ball cos too many foul liao hehe! anw right I seriously nt good at playing pool needa train on that !

Thirst for blood
6:38 AM